of: High School II ^^

Kid was the broken remnants 
    of a glass door slammed by his father
In the same way 
Little Lady was the honey-blue tile 
     of the local grocery store 
               that smelled of grandmothers in the afternoon

Kid & Little Lady were the thick layer of algae 
            that sat above the man-made lake 
                       on the outskirts of town – 
                     (proposed by the mayor, 
          who was tasked with doubling tourism that Fall)

Of the things they were not:
dust on encyclopedias in the age of smartphones
the pattern teeth leave on over-chewed gum

they were the crisp twang of a newly-strung guitar

But never 
the heavy, meditated beat of an old, studied drum

More than all these things –

Kid was the stubborn grease 
        clinging to the edges of its trap &

Little Lady was the fog on your breath
          as you stepped off a plane from Texas to Alaska

& Together, 
they were

the turning 
           of a page

Untitled (supplemental to “Against the Night”) - year unknown


of: Uprooting ^^


of: High School ^